Monday, August 23, 2010
Quantum Entanglement & The Misapprehension of Linear Time
100 attoseconds would fit into a regular second the same number of times as a second fits into 300 million years. The computer you are using to access this web page probably runs somewhere a little over 1 GHz, or gigahertz, which means it executes about a billion operations per second. The shortest interval of time ever measured is around 100 attoseconds (a billion billionths of a second). For a little perspective, 100 attoseconds is to one second as a second is to 300 million years. At this speed an electron would appear to be traveling only a 3 cm / second. One attosecond is the result of dividing a second into a billion billion sections -- a one followed by 18 zeroes. Math buffs write this as 10-18 seconds. It takes an electron about 150 attoseconds to orbit around the centre of a hydrogen atom.